All the module examples below were published in HTML5 format and require an up to date browser, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer or Safari to view. All modules will open in a new browser window or tab.
The Labour Party
Nestlé Vitaflo
- An introduction to PKU
- Dietary management of PKU
- Diet for life with PKU
- An introduction to epilepsy and its treatment
- Management of paediatric kidney disease: micronutrients
Calderdale and Kirklees Careers
- Module 1 -An introduction to Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
- Module 2 – The Gatsby Benchmarks
- Module 3 – Progression pathways and options
- Module 4 – Assessment
Hitachi Capital
Brake – The Road Safety Charity
- No Need to Speed
- Bike Smart Quiz
- Driven to Distraction
- Driven to Distraction – Fleet version
- Stopping Distance Calculator
- Sharpen Up
- Seat Belt Challenge
- G020 Quiz
Tameside MBC